Case Study

Comprehensive test automation solution leveraging tricentis tosca tool for a leading bank

Enabled a leading commercial bank to reduce time-to-market by nearly 10x by leveraging the Tricentis Tosca automation tool.

Case Study

Over 40% improvement in test coverage leveraging test automation framework

Improved test coverage while ensuring high reusability using a robust SmartBear TestComplete based automated test framework.

Case Study

Streamlined veeva vault validation for a fortune 500 american consumer goods company

Ensured successful Veeva Vault implementation using a customized SmartBear TestComplete automation framework.

Case Study

Modernizing legacy COBOL applications to a modern Web App

Enabled seamless COBOL modernization for scalability and enhanced performance for a leading software solutions provider.

Case Study

Automating tax return filing using power platform

Developed a Power Platform-based solution for a leading tax consulting firm to automate the zero-dollar tax return filing process.

Case Study

Creation of file-sharing App with power platform

Developed a Power App portal to enable secure file sharing and content collaboration for a leading credit rating agency.

Case Study

Progressive mule 3 to mule 4 migration for a leading us-based credit union

Built a robust foundation for innovation by ensuring a seamless Mule 4 migration leveraging insights from Nous MuleAssist.

Case Study

New employee requisition and onboarding with power platform

Digitized the manual new hire onboarding process using the Power Platform for a multinational transportation company.

Case Study

Development of a ‘Request-A-Team’ app using power apps

Developed Power Apps-based solution to streamline a real estate company’s team creation process on MS Teams.

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