Case Study

Comprehensive test automation solution leveraging tricentis tosca tool for a leading bank

Enabled a leading commercial bank to reduce time-to-market by nearly 10x by leveraging the Tricentis Tosca automation tool.

Case Study

Over 40% improvement in test coverage leveraging test automation framework

Improved test coverage while ensuring high reusability using a robust SmartBear TestComplete based automated test framework.


Gamification in UX design: A powerful tool for user engagement

Gamification in UX has become an attractive option for designers. Discover what makes it a popular trend in UX design.


Introduction to Azure Cosmos DB  

Explore the capabilities of Azure Cosmos DB for modern app development, scalability, and speed at any scale.


Seamless Salesforce and postmark integration with MuleSoft Salesforce connector

Seamless Salesforce and Postmark Integration with MuleSoft Salesforce Connector


MuleSoft IOT notification service using MQTT and Twilio

Explore the powerful combination of MuleSoft, MQTT, and Twilio to create an efficient and reliable IoT notification service.

Case Study

Streamlined veeva vault validation for a fortune 500 american consumer goods company

Ensured successful Veeva Vault implementation using a customized SmartBear TestComplete automation framework.


Low code no code platforms for mobile app development

Get an overview of leading low code no code platforms and understand how they help businesses create production-ready apps.


How to choose the right test automation tool

Hear Nous’ expert discuss the major Tricentis test automation tools, their advantages, and the criteria for choosing the best fit.


Elevating Salesforce’s connectivity through MuleSoft composite connector

Gain insights on how MuleSoft’s Salesforce Composite Connector enables executing multiple API requests with a single call.