The pace of change for businesses today is relentless and speeding up. One major challenge companies encounter in legacy modernization projects is the absence of a unified solution for end-to-end migration and difficulties in data mapping.

Companies spend over $100 billion annually on data conversion for new business systems. The cluttered and complex data conversion problem severely constrains organizations’ ability to execute business and technology strategy.

In this webcast, experts from Nous Infosystems and Zengines’ CEO share valuable insights on overcoming legacy data migration challenges and leveraging unified solutions for data modernization.

Key highlights of the webcast:

  • Challenges and risks involved in continuing with legacy data tech stack, scalability issues, and data modernization requirements.
  • Migration challenges, mapping nightmare, non-availability of single tool for end-to-end migration, data validation and reconciliation.
  • How Zengines addresses all data migration issues and accelerates conversions, saving time and money.

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